2 min read

Update, Audiobook, Membership

Update on My Son's Medical Situation, Volume 2 Audiobook now available, and Unlimited Hangout membership options.

Update on My Son's Medical Situation

As some of you may know, my son was admitted to the ICU at the regional hospital closest to where I live here in Chile late late Friday night and spent a while in critical condition. It has been ups and downs since then, with a mix of him being stable and him having complications, but as of today he seems to have turned a corner. We will still be at the hospital for a while, at least another week, but I wanted to let people know that he is now finally on the road out of here. It is a huge relief.

I have spent a lot of this time reflecting, not just about the experience itself, but on many things and hope to put some of them into writing soon. If I do, it will definitely be very different from what I normally write. In the meantime, I want to thank everyone who sent supportive messages and prayed for/sent good vibes to me and my son. I read every single one and it was really helpful and humbling to know that people from all over the world were rooting for him.


Volume 2 of One Nation Under Blackmail is now available on Audible, Amazon, and Apple Books.

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