New Article, Interviews, and Update

Binance’s Noah Perlman: Ties to FTX, Epstein and Gemini Earn
After Binance’s settlement with the DOJ and the removal of its longtime leader Changpeng Zhao, one of the most important figures at Binance – Chief Compliance Officer Noah Perlman – is poised to have an outsized role over the activities of and data held by the world’s largest crypto exchange. Despite this, Perlman’s past ties from scandals ranging from FTX to Jeffrey Epstein have been entirely ignored by the mainstream media.

Whitney joined Redacted to discuss the recent news about CTIL, which she wrote about in 2020. Segment starts at the 83:00 minute mark. Available on Rumble or YouTube or clip on Odysee.

AM Wake Up
Whitney joined AM Wake Up to discuss Kissinger and CTIL. Segment starts at 22:00. Available on Rumble or Rokfin.

I wanted to update everyone on my son and explain why I – still – have not been able to return to producing content full-time. Since we left the hospital post-surgery in mid-September, my son has returned for roughly 8 hospital stays of varying lengths and has had about 4 minor surgeries, with another one scheduled for next week. It is highly likely that he will be having another major airway surgery, like he had in August, some time in December or January.
I have endeavored to produce content in the interim, but between my son’s health issues and a recent move to another town, have not been able to produce as much as I had before, specifically for the UH podcast. Hopefully, things will stabilize some time in January and UH will continue – between then and now – to publish content. I know it has been a long dry spell content-wise, but you have my deepest thanks for keeping me and my family afloat during this trying time for my son, his sister and myself. As things progress, I will do my best to keep everyone updated about my son and also about coming UH content.