New Podcast and Post

Plundering the Crisis Economy with John Titus
In this episode, Whitney, along with UH contributor Mark Goodwin, talk to John Titus about the recent US economic crises, the role of BlackRock on US fiscal policy during crisis events, and the brazen criminality of Wall Street and how deeply corrupted financial institutions enable their plunder of taxpayer wealth.

RFK Jr. Is Replicating Bernie Sanders’ Sheepdog Play for MAGA
I have come to suspect that RFK Jr. is playing a role similar to that of Bernie Sanders in the 2016 election. Bernie served as a “sheepdog,” using working class populism and “dissident” credentials to herd voters largely disillusioned with the establishment party candidates to vote for one, with the belief being that his endorsement of Clinton would somehow “push her left.” Now, RFK Jr. is using working class populist rhetoric and his Covid dissident credentials to herd voters disillusioned by Trump and Biden-era Covid policies into the Trump fold.

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